I'm unhappy...
I opened an account two days ago on Mint.com. Mint.com is a great financial website that allows one to link all their financial accounts in one place and the website organizes and provides one with great features like a budget, goals, and one's net worth. The last one had me unhappy.
Your net worth is determined by adding up all your assets and actual cash which should give you a value. Say, $1000. Then you add up all the debt you have such as an auto loan, mortgage, and credit card debt. This will also give you a value; which you take and subtract from the value of your assets. That number that you get is your net worth. If you're anything like me, this is probably a negative number. Do you feel how I feel yet?
How could I have roamed the Earth for 26 years and amount less than nothing? I planned to be somewhere like Mark Zuckerberg by now, but instead, I'm just Malcolm Suckerberg.
This is no time to wallow in self-pity and feel sorry for myself. In fact, this is my motivation. Seriously. Understanding that you have a problem is better than not discovering you have a problem when the problem affects you. Think about it. If you lose your job, you'll probably need 6 months of expenses to survive until you find another job. If you lose your job and then discover that you'll need that money, then you're in for a rough time, but if you understand that while you have a job, then that puts you in position to rectify the problem before you lose your job.
I want to relay to you is that it's OK to be upset with your living situation. Just don't let that be the end of it. It should be the beginning. You should use that displeasure as motivation as to why you need to do things TODAY to change your situation.
They say knowing is half the battle, and I know that I need to make my net worth a positive number. That means I halfway done fixing my problem, and that make me happy :-)
Wow!!! I am blown!! This is so awesome, and True!!